Welcome to Hirschberger lab
ようこそ   ヒルシュベルガー研究室へ

Experimental Condensed Matter Physics and Materials Science

(Visualization by M. Ishida of RIKEN CEMS)
© 2021 RIKEN Center for Emergent Matter Science


We are interested in the effects of Berry curvature on physical properties of solids. Recently, we study the interplay between non-coplanar spin arrangements such as magnetic skyrmions, and the electronic band structure. Our toolbox includes

  • Material search, e.g. by symmetry principles or density functional theory calculations
  • Crystal synthesis and characterization
  • Ultra-high resolution electrical and thermal transport measurements
  • Extreme conditions: high DC and pulsed magnetic fields at user facilities in Japan, Europe, and the USA; pressure and strain experiments
  • Extreme conditions: low temperature experiments down to 300 milli-Kelvin
  • Collaborations on quantum-beam scattering experiments (neutron and x-ray)

Current research topics

Amongst other directions, we are offering projects on the following issues to interested students and post-doctoral researchers:

  1. Spin dynamics and emergent electric field from moving magnetic textures

  2. Topological Dirac / Weyl semimetals

  3. Thermoelectric energy harvesting with magnets

  4. Thermal Hall effect of metals and insulators, including methods development

Contact us to learn more!

Current members

Our lab's group picture in May 2024

* email addresses are combined with the extension @ap.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp, unless noted otherwise.

Max Hirschberger
Associate Professor
Ext. 26835

Dr. Rinsuke Yamada
Assistant Professor
Website: researchmap
Ext. 26829

Dr. Priya Baral
Postdoc.Mobility Fellow
(Swiss National Science Foundation)
Ext. 26829

Ryota Nakano
M2 Student

Ryo Misawa
M1 Student

Toshihiro Terakawa
M1 Student

Yuki Tanaka
B4 Student

Tobi Nakamoto
Research Graduate Student
Master Course, TU Munich, Germany

Alumni / Former members

Former members / OGs are listed chronologically, with first position after their departure.

Dr. Parisa Mokhtari
Visiting Researcher
→ Postdoctoral Researcher
University of Augsburg, Germany

Yuki Ishihara
M1, M2
→ Nippon Steel Solutions Co.

Keita Taguchi
→ M1 student, Applied Physics

Dr. Sebastian Esser
JSPS International Research Fellow
(Alexander-von-Humboldt program)
→ ZEISS Semiconductor Manufacturing Technology
Coating Technology High NA EUV

Kosuke Tazuke
→ M1 student, Applied Physics

Dr. Nguyen Khanh
Research Scientist
→ Research Associate, U Tokyo

Shun Akatsuka
M1, M2
→ LiB Consulting

Daiki Yamaguchi
→ M1 student, Applied Physics

Leonie Spitz
Master Student
Main supervisor: Y. Tokura
→ Doctor Course,
PSI Switzerland

Teaching and Lecture courses

Autumn 2023 (A1): "Solid State Physics IV: Quantum mechanics and topology", The University of Tokyo, Dept. of Applied Physics
In collaboration with Z. Gong

Autumn 2023 (A1A2): "Solid State Physics II", The University of Tokyo, Dept. of Applied Physics
In collaboration with S. Seki and Y. Tokura

Spring 2023 (S1S2) Physical Engineering Seminar Series: “Group Theory and Quantum Mechanics”
2023年度 物理工学輪講第一, The University of Tokyo, Dept. of Applied Physics

Autumn 2022 (A1): "Solid State Physics IV: Magnetism", The University of Tokyo, Dept. of Applied Physics

Spring 2022: "Engineering Laboratory Techniques", The University of Tokyo, Dept. of Applied Physics
Two lectures (物理工学実験技法B)

Autumn 2021: "Solid State Physics IV: Quantum mechanics and topology", The University of Tokyo, Dept. of Applied Physics
In collaboration with K. Usami

Autumn 2020: "Solid State Physics IV: Quantum mechanics and topology", The University of Tokyo, Dept. of Applied Physics
In collaboration with K. Usami

Publication List (chronological)


  1. Perfectly harmonic spin cycloid and multi-Q textures in the Weyl semimetal GdAlSi.
    Preprint at arXiv:2503.14768 - click!
    Nakano R., Yamada R., Bouaziz J., Colling M., Gen M., Shoriki K., Okamura Y., Kikkawa A., Ohsumi H., Tanaka Y., Sagayama H., Nakao H., Taguchi Y., Takahashi Y., Tokunaga M., Arima T., Tokura Y., Arita R., Masell J., Hayami S., and Hirschberger M.
  2. Current-linear emergent induction of pinned skyrmion textures in an oxide bilayer.
    Preprint at arXiv:2503.10600 - click!
    Scheuchenpflug L., Esser S., Gruhl R., Hirschberger M., and Gegenwart P.
  3. Gapping the spin-nodal planes of an anisotropic p-wave magnet to induce a large anomalous Hall effect.
    Preprint at arXiv:2502.10386 - click!
    Yamada R., Birch M.T., Baral P.R., Okumura S., Nakano R., Gao S., Ishihara Y., Kolincio K.K., Belopolski I., Sagayama H., Nakao H., Ohishi K., Nakajima T., Tokura Y., Arima T.-h., Motome Y., Hirschmann M.M., and Hirschberger M.
  4. 2025

  5. Gapped nodal planes and large topological Nernst effect in the chiral lattice antiferromagnet CoNb3S6.
    Nature Communications 16, 2654 (2025) - click!
    Khanh N.D., Minami S., Hirschmann M.M., Nomoto T., Jiang M.C., Yamada R., Yamaguchi D., Hayashi Y., Okamura Y., Watanabe H., Guo G.Y., Takahashi Y., Seki S., Taguchi Y., Tokura Y., Arita R., and Hirschberger M.
    Link to Press Release by RIKEN & JST: JP
    arXiv version
  6. Topological Hall effect of Skyrmions from First Principles.
    Phys. Rev. X 15, 011054 (2025) - click!
    Chen H.Y., Nomoto T., Hirschberger M., and Arita R.
    Link to Press Release by U Tokyo: JP / EN
    arXiv version
  7. Triangular Lattice Magnet GdGa2 with Short-Period Spin Cycloids and Possible Skyrmion Phases.
    Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 94, 024705 (2025) - click!
    Baral P.R., Khanh N.D., Gen M., Sagayama H., Nakao H., Arima T.-h., Onuki Y., Tokura Y., and Hirschberger M.
    JPSJ Editors' Choice
    arXiv version
  8. Synthesis of a semimetallic Weyl ferromagnet with point Fermi surface.
    Nature 637, 1078–1083 (2025) - click!
    Belopolski I., Watanabe R., Sato Y., Yoshimi R., Kawamura M., Nagahama S., Zhao Y., Shao S., Jin Y., Kato Y., Okamura Y. Zhang X.-X., Fujishiro Y., Takahashi Y., Hirschberger M., Tsukazaki A., Takahashi K.S., Chiu C.-K., Chang G., Kawasaki M., Nagaosa N., and Tokura Y.
    Link to Research Briefing article
    Link to Press Release by RIKEN
    arXiv version
  9. 2024

  10. Designing giant Hall response in layered topological semimetals.
    Nature Communications 15, 10112 (2024) - click!
    Skorupskii G., Orlandi F., Robredo I., Jovanovic M., Yamada R., Katmer F., Vergniory M., Manuel P., Hirschberger M., and Schoop L.
  11. Non-coplanar helimagnetism in the layered van-der-Waals metal DyTe3.
    Nature Communications 15, 4291 (2024) - click!
    Akatsuka S., Esser S., Okumura S., Yambe R., Yamada R., Hirschmann M.M., Aji S., White J.S., Gao S., Onuki Y., Arima T.-h., Nakajima T., and Hirschberger M.
    arXiv version
  12. Nernst effect of high-mobility Weyl electrons in NdAlSi enhanced by a Fermi surface nesting instability.
    Physical Review X 14, 021012 (2024) - click!
    Yamada R., Nomoto T., Miyake A., Terakawa T., Kikkawa A., Arita R., Tokunaga M., Taguchi Y., Tokura Y., and Hirschberger M.
    arXiv version
  13. Lattice-commensurate skyrmion texture in a centrosymmetric breathing kagome magnet.
    npj Quantum Materials 9, 45 (2024) - click!
    Hirschberger M., Szigeti B.G., Hemmida M., Hirschmann M.M., Esser S., Ohsumi H., Tanaka Y., Spitz L., Gao S., Kolincio K.K., Sagayama H., Nakao H., Yamasaki Y., Forro L., Krug von Nidda H.-A., Kezsmarki I., Arima T.-h., and Tokura Y.
    arXiv version
  14. Dynamic transition and Galilean relativity of current-driven skyrmions.
    Nature 633, 554-559 (2024) - click!
    Birch M.T., Belopolski I., Fujishiro Y., Kawamura M., Kikkawa A., Taguchi Y., Hirschberger M., Nagaosa N., and Tokura Y.
    Link to News And Views article by Prof. Yingying Wu
    Link to Press Release by U Tokyo
    arXiv version
  15. Comment on "Reconsidering the nonlinear emergent inductance: time-varying Joule heating and its impact on the AC electrical response".
    arXiv:2407.15682 - click!
    Yokouchi T., Kitaori A., Yamaguchi D., Kanazawa N., Hirschberger M., Nagaosa N., and Tokura Y.
  16. News & Views: Imaging the twist of antiferromagnetic merons in a blood-red iron oxide.
    Nature Materials 23, 176–177 (2024) - click!
    Spitz, L. and Hirschberger M.
  17. 2023

  18. Topological magneto-optical effect from skyrmion lattice.
    Nature Communications 14, 5416 (2023) - click!
    Kato Y.D., Okamura Y., Hirschberger M., Tokura Y., and Takahashi Y.
    Link to Press Release by U Tokyo
  19. Kagome lattice promotes chiral spin fluctuations.
    Physical Review Letters 130, 136701 (2023) - click!
    Kolincio K., Hirschberger M., Masell J., Arima T.-h., Nagaosa N., and Tokura Y.
    arXiv version
  20. Planar thermal Hall effect of topological bosons in the Kitaev magnet α-RuCl3.
    Nature Materials 22, 36–41 (2023) - click!
    Czajka P., Gao T., Hirschberger M., Lampen-Kelley P., Banerjee A., Quirk N., Mandrus D.G., Nagler S.E., and Ong N.P.
    Link to News & Views article by Prof. Hae-Young Kee
    arXiv version
  21. 2022

  22. Polarized neutron scattering study on the centrosymmetric skyrmion host material Gd2PdSi3.
    Physical Review B 107, 024405 (2022) - click!
    Ju J., Saito H., Kurumaji T., Hirschberger M., Kikkawa A., Taguchi Y., Arima T.-h., Tokura Y., and Nakajima T.
    arXiv version
  23. Topological Nernst effect emerging from real-space gauge field and thermal fluctuations in a magnetic skyrmion lattice.
    Physical Review B 106, 214425 (2022) - click!
    Oike H., Ebino T., Koretsune T., Kikkawa A., Hirschberger M., Taguchi Y., Tokura Y., and Kagawa F.
  24. Entropy-assisted, long-period stacking of honeycomb layers in an AlB2-type silicide.
    Journal of the American Chemical Society 144, 37, 16866–16871 (2022) - click!
    Spitz L., Nomoto T., Kitou S., Nakao H., Kikkawa A., Francoual S., Taguchi Y., Arita R., Tokura Y., Arima T.-h., and Hirschberger M.
    arXiv version
  25. 2021

  26. News & Views on Quantum Materials: Weyl fermions promote collective magnetism.
    Nature Materials 20, 1592 (2021) - click!
    Hirschberger M. and Tokura Y.
  27. Large Hall and Nernst responses from thermally induced spin chirality in a spin-trimer ferromagnet.
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118, e2023588118 (2021) - click!
    Kolincio K.K., Hirschberger M., Masell J., Gao S., Kikkawa A., Taguchi Y., Arima T.-h., Nagaosa N., and Tokura Y.
  28. Oscillations of the thermal conductivity observed in the spin-liquid state of α-RuCl3.
    Nature Physics 17, 915–919 (2021) - click!
    Czajka P., Gao T., Hirschberger M., Lampen-Kelley P., Banerjee A., Yan J., Mandrus D.G., Nagler S.E., and Ong N.P.
    Link to Press Release by Princeton University
    arXiv version (not updated after publication)
  29. Robust noncoplanar magnetism in band filling-tuned (Nd1−xCax)2Mo2O7.
    Physical Review B 104, 024436 (2021) - click!
    Hirschberger M., Kaneko Y., Spitz L., Nakajima T., Taguchi Y., and Tokura Y.
  30. Geometrical Hall effect and momentum-space Berry curvature from spin-reversed band pairs.
    Physical Review B (Letter) 103, L041111 (2021) - click!
    Hirschberger M., Nomura, Y., Mitamura H., Miyake A., Koretsune T., Kaneko Y., Spitz L., Taguchi Y., Matsuo A., Kindo K., Arita R., Tokunaga M., and Tokura Y.
  31. Nanometric skyrmion lattice from anisotropic exchange interactions in a centrosymmetric host.
    New Journal of Physics 23, 023039 (2021) - click!
    Hirschberger M., Hayami S. and Tokura Y.
    arXiv version
  32. 2020

  33. Emergent electromagnetic induction in a helical-spin magnet.
    Nature 586, 232–236 (2020) - click!
    Yokouchi T., Kagawa F., Hirschberger M., Otani Y., Nagaosa N., and Tokura Y.
    Link to News And Views article by Prof. Seonghoon Woo
    Link to Press Release by JST
  34. Topological Nernst effect of the two-dimensional skyrmion lattice.
    Physical Review Letters 125, 076602 (2020) - click!
    Hirschberger M., Spitz L., Nomoto T., Kurumaji T., Gao S., Masell J., Nakajima T., Kikkawa A., Yamasaki Y., Sagayma H., Nakao H., Taguchi Y., Arita R., Arima T.-h., and Tokura Y.
    arXiv version
  35. Nanometric square skyrmion lattice in a centrosymmetric tetragonal magnet.
    Nature Nanotechnology 15, 444–449 (2020) - click!
    Khanh N. D., Nakajima T., Yu X. Z., Gao S., Shibata K., Hirschberger M., Yamasaki Y., Sagayama H., Nakao H., Peng L. C., Nakajima K., Takagi R., Arima T., Tokura Y., and Seki S.
    Link to Press Release by U Tokyo
    arXiv version
  36. High-field depinned phase and planar Hall effect in skyrmion-host Gd2PdSi3.
    Physical Review B (Rapid) 101, 220401(R) (2020) - click!
    Hirschberger M., Nakajima T., Kriener M., Kurumaji T., Spitz L., Gao S., Kikkawa A., Yamasaki Y., Sagayama H., Nakao H., Ohira-Kawamura S., Taguchi Y., Arima T.-h., and Tokura Y.
    arXiv version
  37. 2019

  38. Skyrmion phase and competing magnetic orders on a breathing kagome lattice.
    Nature Communications 10, 5831 (2019) - click!
    Hirschberger M.*, Nakajima T.*, Gao S., Peng L., Kikkawa A., Kurumaji T., Kriener M., Yamasaki Y., Sagayama H., Nakao H., Ohishi K., Kakurai K., Taguchi Y., Yu X., Arima T., and Tokura Y.
    Link to Press Release by RIKEN
    Selected for "Top 50 Physics Articles of 2019" in Nature Communications
    arXiv version
  39. Ordering phenomena of spin trimers accompanied by large geometrical Hall effect.
    Physical Review B (Rapid) 100, 241115(R) (2019) - click!
    Gao S.*, Hirschberger M.*, Zaharko O., Nakajima T., Kurumaji T., Kikkawa A., Shiogai J., Tsukazaki A., Kimura S., Awaji S., Taguchi Y., Arima T.-h., and Tokura Y.
    arXiv version
  40. Skyrmion lattice with a giant topological Hall effect in a frustrated triangular-lattice magnet.
    Science 365, 914-918 (2019) - click!
    Kurumaji T.*, Nakajima T.*, Hirschberger M., Kikkawa A., Yamasaki Y., Sagayama H., Nakao H., Taguchi Y., Arima T., and Tokura Y.
    Link to Press Release by RIKEN
    arXiv version
  41. Ultra-small moment incommensurate spin density wave order masking a ferromagnetic quantum critical point in NbFe2.
    Physical Review Letters 123, 247203 (2019) - click!
    Niklowitz P.G., Hirschberger M., Lucas M., Cermak P., Schneidewind A., Faulhaber E., Mignot J.-M., Duncan W.J., Neubauer A., Pfleiderer C., and Grosche F.M.
    arXiv version
  42. A gap-protected zero-Hall effect state in the quantum limit of the non-symmorphic metal KHgSb.
    Nature Materials 18, 443 (2019) - click!
    Liang S., Kushwaha S., Gao T., Hirschberger M., Li J., Wang Z., Stolze K., Skinner B., Bernevig B.A., Cava R.J., and Ong N.P.
    arXiv version
  43. Enhanced thermal Hall conductivity below 1 Kelvin in the pyrochlore magnet Yb2Ti2O7.
    Hirschberger M., Czajka P., Koohpayeh S.M., Wang W., and Ong N.P.
    arXiv version
  44. 2018

  45. Quantum tricritical points in NbFe2.
    Nature Physics 14, 62 (2018) - click!
    Friedemann S., Duncan W.J., Hirschberger M., Bauer T.W., Kuechler R., Neubauer A., Brando M., Pfleiderer C., and Grosche F.M.
    arXiv version
  46. 2017

  47. The Chiral Anomaly Factory: Creating Weyls with a Magnetic Field.
    Physical Review B 95, 161306 (2017) - click!
    Cano J., Bradlyn B., Wang Z., Hirschberger M., Ong N.P., and Bernevig B.A.
    arXiv version
  48. Crystal growth and stoichiometry-dependent properties of the ferromagnetic Weyl semimetal ZrCo2−xSn.
    Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 29, 225702 (2017) - click!
    Kushwaha S.K., Stolze K., Wang Z., Hirschberger M., Lin J., Bernevig B.A., Ong N.P., and Cava R.J.
  49. 2016

  50. The chiral anomaly and thermopower of Weyl fermions in the half-Heusler GdPtBi.
    Nature Materials 15, 1161–1165 (2016) - click!
    Hirschberger M., Kushwaha S., Wang Z., Gibson Q., Liang S., Belvin C.A., Bernevig B.A., Cava R.J., and Ong N.P.
    Link to News & Views article by Prof. Claudia Felser & Prof. Binghai Yan
    arXiv version
  51. Magnetic phase diagram of underdoped YBa2Cu3Oy inferred from torque magnetization and thermal conductivity.
    Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113, 12667 (2016) - click!
    Yu F., Hirschberger M., Loew T., Li G., Lawson B.J., Asaba T., Kemper J.B., Liang T., Porras J., Boebinger G.S., Singleton J., Keimer B., Li L., and Ong N.P.
    arXiv version
  52. Time-reversal breaking Weyl fermions in magnetic Heuslers.
    Physical Review Letters 117, 236401 (2016) - click!
    Wang Z., Vergniory M.G., Kushwaha S., Hirschberger M., Chulkov E.V., Ernst A., Ong N.P., Cava R.J., and Bernevig B.A.
    arXiv version
  53. Anomalous Nernst Effect in the Dirac Semimetal Cd3As2.
    Physical Review Letters 118, 136601 (2016) - click!
    Liang T., Lin J., Gibson Q., Gao T., Hirschberger M., Liu M., Cava R.J., and Ong N.P.
    arXiv version
  54. 2015

  55. Large thermal Hall conductivity of neutral spin excitations in a frustrated quantum magnet.
    Science 348, 106-109 (2015) - click!
    Hirschberger M., Krizan J.W., Cava R.J., and Ong N.P.
    Link to 'Journal Club of Condensed Matter Physics' commentary by Prof. Leon Balents
    arXiv version (not updated after publication)
  56. Thermal Hall Effect of Spin Excitations in a Kagome Magnet.
    Physical Review Letters 115, 106603 (2015) - click!
    Hirschberger M., Chisnell R., Lee Y.S., and Ong N.P.
    arXiv version (not updated after publication)
  57. Evidence for the chiral anomaly in the Dirac semimetal Na3Bi.
    Science 350, 413-416 (2015) - click!
    Xiong J., Kushwaha S.K., Liang T., Krizan J.W., Hirschberger M., Wang W., Cava R.J., and Ong N.P.
    Prof. Ongs oral talk at NHMFL
    arXiv version (not updated after publication)
  58. Three-dimensional Dirac semimetals: Design principles and predictions of new materials.
    Physical Review B 91, 205128 (2015) - click!
    Gibson Q.D., Schoop L.M., Muechler L., Xie L.S., Hirschberger M., Ong N.P., Car R., and Cava R.J.
    arXiv version (not updated after publication)
  59. Correlation of crystal quality and extreme magnetoresistance of WTe2.
    Europhysics Letters 110, 67002 (2015) - click!
    Ali M.N., Schoop L.M., Xiong J., Flynn S., Gibson Q.D., Hirschberger M., Ong N.P., and Cava R.J.
    arXiv version (not updated after publication)
  60. Dirac metal to topological metal transition at a structural phase change in Au2Pb and prediction of Z2 topology for the superconductor.
    Physical Review B 91, 214517 (2015) - click!
    Schoop L.M., Xie L.S., Chen R.S., Gibson Q.D., Lapidus S.H., Kimchi I., Hirschberger M., Haldolaarachchige N., Ali M.N., Belvin C.A., Liang T., Neaton J.B., Ong N.P., Vishwanath A., and Cava R.J.
  61. Spin dynamics and spin freezing at ferromagnetic quantum phase transitions.
    The European Physical Journal Special Topics 224, 1041-1060 (2015) - click!
    Schmakat P., Wagner M., Ritz R., Bauer A., Brando M., Deppe M., Duncan W., Duvinage C., Franz C., Geibel C., Grosche F.M., Hirschberger M., Hradil K., Meven M., Neubauer A., Schulz M., Senyshyn A., Süllow S., Pedersen B., Böni P., and Pfleiderer C.
  62. 2014

  63. Large, non-saturating magnetoresistance in WTe2.
    Nature 514, 205-208 (2014) - click!
    Ali M.N., Xiong J., Flynn S., Tao J., Gibson Q.D., Schoop L.M., Liang T., Haldolaarachchige N., Hirschberger M., Ong N.P., and Cava R.J.
    arXiv version
  64. Paramagnetic to ferromagnetic phase transition in lightly Fe-doped Cr2B.
    Physical Review B 89, 224417 (2014) - click!
    Schoop L.M., Hirschberger M., Tao J., Felser C., Ong N.P., and Cava R.J.
    arXiv version (not updated after publication)
  65. 2013

  66. Evidence for massive bulk Dirac fermions in Pb1−xSnxSe from Nernst and thermopower experiments.
    Nature Communications 4, 2696 (2013) - click!
    Liang T., Gibson Q.D., Xiong J., Hirschberger M., Koduvayur S.P., Cava R.J., and Ong N.P.
    arXiv version
  67. 2012

  68. Ferrimagnetism in Fe-rich NbFe2.
    Physical Review B 85, 115137 (2012) - click!
    Haynes T.D., Maskery I., Butchers M.W., Duffy J.A., Taylor J.W., Giblin S.R., Utfeld C., Laverock J., Dugdale S.B., Sakurai Y., Itou M., Pfleiderer C., Hirschberger M., Neubauer A., Duncan W., and Grosche F.M.

Supported by

Government Organizations

Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
次世代のためのASPIRE (Adopting Sustainable Partnerships for Innovative Research Ecosystem) (先端国際共同研究推進事業)

Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST)
国立研究開発法人 科学技術振興機構
FOREST (Fusion-oriented research for disruptive Science and Technology) (創発的研究支援事業)

Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Grant-in-Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) (学術変革領域研究)

Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Principal Investigator: Prof. Yoshinori Tokura
Collaborating Researchers: N. Kanazawa & M. Hirschberger groups
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research S (基盤研究 S)

German Research Foundation (DFG)
Collaborative Research Center: Constrained Quantum Matter
(Transregio TRR360: University of Augsburg, Technical University of Munich)
External Member: M. Hirschberger

Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
New Academic Field Research Grant (新学術領域研究)

Japanese Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Grant-in-Aid for Young Researchers (科研若手)

Private Foundations

Izumi Foundation
Research Grant (研究助成)

Murata Foundation
Research Grant (研究助成)

Yamada Foundation
Research Grant (2022年度 研究援助)

Hattori Hokokai Foundation
Engineering Research Grant (工学研究奨励援助金)

Kenjiro Takayanagi Foundation
Research Encouragement Award (研究奨励賞)

Inamori Foundation
Research Grant (研究助成)

Casio Foundation
Basic Research Grant (研究助成・基本テーマ)

Mazda Foundation
Science and Technology Promotion Grant (第38回 2022年度 科学技術振興関係)

Fujimori Science and Technology Promotion Foundation
2022年度 研究助成

Iketani Foundation
One-year Research Grant A (単年度研究助成 A)

Mizuho Foundation
Engineering Research Grant (第65回工学研究助成)

New Information Materials Foundation
Research Grant (令和4 年度 研究助成)

Picture Gallery

Bachelor thesis award for Mr. Tanaka and Master thesis award for Mr. Nakano, March 2025

Members of Hirschberger lab and of Tokura lab went on a ski trip, February 2025

Farewell party for Dr. Mokhtari, February 2025

Farewell party for Dr. Esser, October 2024

Sakura in Ueno park with current and former members, April 2024

Mr. Terakawa and Dr. Baral in a profound discussion, at our welcome party for B4 students, April 2024

At Spring Meeting of the German Physical Society with Mr. Nakano (M1) and Mr. Misawa (B4), Berlin, March 2024

Mr. Misawa (B4) receiving award for "Excellent Bachelor Thesis" from Chairman Prof. T. Kimura (March 2024, Department of Applied Physics)

Our lab's bōnenkai (year-end party), December 2023

On Mount Mito with Tokura & Hirschberger labs, October 2023

Welcome barbecue for B4 students in May 2023

Our lab's group picture in May 2023

Our lab in March 2023 (Sakura at Ueno Park)

Mr. Yamaguchi (B4) receiving award for "Excellent Bachelor Thesis" from Chairman Prof. Yoshihiro Iwasa (March 2023, Department of Applied Physics)

Dr. Yamada and Mr. Nakano (B4) in February 2023 @ Prof. Schoop's lab (Princeton, USA)

Our lab in February 2023 (after B4 thesis presentation)

Our lab in October 2022 (on Mount Mitake)

Our lab in December 2022

Our lab in September 2022

Our lab's first group picture in May 2022